Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

Because we're stupid, that's why.

Embedded below you should see the Wikipedia page with the list of world religions.

You see that list and it comes as no surprise that no-one can get along.

I once heard it said that "There are six billion religions in the world." (That is, six thousand million.) Well, by the 2050s, there will be about ten thousand million religions in the world, and if "everyone else is going to hell but us" then the entire world is sure as hell to be going to hell.

That irks me, somehow.

1 comment:

Steven D. said...

True enough. As I mentioned earlier, you get 3 Baptists together and you have 4 opinions.

I think the issue is the core beliefs of each religion. Since man appears to be incurably religious (a reasonable conclusion based on your comments of the quantity of different religions and thus the percentage of the world population that follows one of them), my question is what does religion do for man? My second question is what is the practical application of religion to a life? Anthropology and archeology indicate that a belief without practical application will die or transform over generations of the people. I have discovered than many tribal religions are based on actions of the spiritual entity they worship. Third question is what elements of truth has that religion "stumbled" upon?

A corollary to all this is that we humans seem to want to have a purpose more than paying taxes. Often religions provide a purpose or at least the hope of a purpose for our brief existence, and extinguishing from this life.