Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Used To

Fuck, it's been awhile.

I used to know things. Or at least I think I did. I do know that I've forgotten many things. Do I really know what it is that I used to know? Did I really learn anything?

When you learn a lot of things and you know some of the answers, but then you dumb yourself down so that you fit in ... who is at fault?

Every happy experience is just a reminder of the sadness that engulfs my psyche.
"Stop", he says, knowing full well that they don't even slow down.

Who are you to say it?
Who are you saying it to?

No. The only thing that makes me happy is the touch of a woman ... and it's just the tiniest bit sad that I - or anyone - would ever have to justify what makes them happy when it's something so harmless. Talk all you want, because as we all know, talking "helps".

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