Sunday, April 1, 2012

The title of this post is the title of this post.

"That awkward moment when you are trying to get over someone you have never dated [or even asked out]."
Story of my life, eh?

Dear Ms. Smith: Smart, social, and sexy Ms. Smith, you are truly an American dream. I apologize both in retrospect and in advance for all the assholes (and unworthy dweebs such as myself) that you have had to cope with and will probably have to continue to fend off for the rest of your life.
Dear Ms. Paul - that goes for you too, except you're Indian, not American. :-P

Family meet-up on Easter weekend! Oh yay - good home-cooked Indian food at last, even if only for a short while ... :-)

If there's any time that I even remotely wished the BOOMing stereotype of Middle-Easterners was true for me, it would be just so that I could get rid of whoever instituted that alumni policy. We get frustrated all the time, but - I'm sure the reader is aware - anger is much different. As someone who rarely gets angry, I really really don't want to be myself right now.
That's about it for now. I think.

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