Thursday, February 23, 2012


One day, I went to play music I've played for years (for old time's sake), and I was told I was being "disrespectful". By a kid fresh out of college - less than a year older than me - and only recently initiated in the instrumental arts. 
Disrespectful, you're telling me? 
Disrespectful, to exercise your talents in the service of others? 
Disrespectful, to help to teach, guide, and inspire in the ways of the glory of the Almighty? 

Ever had an appendage ripped off? If you're thinking "I can imagine" - just let me get the pliers. 
(This is, of course, metaphorical, as I have yet to experience such a physical trauma ... but the principle remains the same.) 
A spiritual dismemberment can be quite painful, though. 

 This is of course related to my prior rant on the new policy of the Catholic ministry on campus. A ministry that can now never be complete and truly fruitful as long as that particular policy remains in effect. Just like a tree with its roots cut off. Yes, I will go so far as to say that, as long as the policy exists, I cannot have respect for whoever it was that instigated it, and I can't help but feel for the loss that all the newcomers there will never know.
It hurts, did you know?
Come, feel the wound, much as Thomas had to see and touch before he could believe.

 On a more thoughtful note, thanks to a friend I have discovered a new book, a book made of sheer intensity. Written by none other than Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, God's Debris is one of the most incredible books I have ever read - the beauty of it being that I am versed in virtually all the important concepts it presents. An experiment in 132 pages of pure unadulterated thought ... I recommend it to anyone and everyone who can take a mental beating. (You lucky few, you know who you are.) I am overloaded with the anticipation of perusing its follow-up: The Religion War.

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