Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Evolution of the Choice of Fate

I don't think the post title has anything to do with what I'm about to ponder.
I just thought it sounded interesting.


So far, it's been scientifically proven that people subconsciously seek out mates whose genes are as similar as possible to their own. This makes sense evolutionarily, in that dominant traits are reinforced, and recessive traits are further diluted.
(Not counting family members, of course ... but the fact that every single one of us is essentially distantly related is a topic worth waging war on. Both the Bible and science say that humanity is descended from [a] common ancestor[s]; however, proponents of the Bible seemingly can't stand the real world possibilities.)

My point being that every girl I've been attracted to thus far in my 20 years of life (at last count ... three) has been in some way similar to me/my family.

Girl #1:
- Intelligent
- Musical
- Rather modest, as I try to be
- Mildly religious, I think? I never got to know her as well as I should have.
- A little on the short side

Girl #2:
- Very intelligent
- Very musical
- Humble, as I also try to be
- Very religious
- A little on the short side

Girl #3:
- Very intelligent
- Very musical
- Random like me, I'd like to think. I don't know her as well as I'd like to either.
- Very religious
- A little on the short side

I don't know about you, but I'm seeing a pattern here.
(My dad's side of the family has a history of achievers and musicians.
My mom's side of the family isn't exactly vertically challenged, but they're far from tall.
Both sides of my family come from very devout Catholic backgrounds.)

There's also the fact that they're not exactly drop-dead gorgeous. (I myself certainly am far from being a stud.) I can safely say that I've seen people who are more beautiful at first sight.
But they grew on me as I spent time around them, and though they'll probably never know it, sometimes even the mere thought of any one of them can cause my heart to skip a beat. (This is of course dependent on my mood, but no matter what, thinking of them makes me feel a little bit happier.)

Anyway, story of my life, right here in this song.

*UPDATE* To be honest, I blew my chance with girl #1 a long time ago. And girl #3 - I only met her a few times, and I talk to her online every now and then, and she has a boyfriend she adores, so there's not really much in my favor there. But girl #2 ... oh, girl #2.


Maria said...

Oh mon dieu, don't ever let them see this.

"But they grew on me as I spent time around them"

I'd react in a not very positive way. "Say what? I grew on you? Well thanks a bunch, I'll take that as a compliment."

I've heard a very neat advice on getting girls, feeling comfortable with yourself, being confident - wing it! Pretend like you are and maybe THAT will grow on you.

Anand Lobo said...

Lol as long as it's taken as a compliment, it's all good. And as for them seeing this - the odds are pretty much against it. =P

I'm pretty confident in general, even around girls. Its more of a debilitating mental block when it comes to anything involving my feelings for a girl, if said girl is in the immediate vicinity.