Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Rant On Reason

I am saddened by all the small-minded people, and utterly disgusted by the media which made them that way. :-/

To all you stupid ignorant SOBs:

1) First and foremost! It is NOT a mosque being built near Ground Zero! It is an Islamic community center, which is planned to include "a 500-seat auditorium, theater, performing arts center, fitness center, swimming pool, basketball court, childcare area, bookstore, culinary school, food court serving halal dishes, and Islamic prayer space for 1,000–2,000 Muslims." By the media's logic, I should be calling my room a RadioShack because I have a computer!

2) Secondly, it is not *AT* Ground Zero; it is 2 full city blocks away. They are building on privately owned property, therefore no-one else except the landowner should have a say in it. Besides which, do you have any idea how many Muslims make up the economy of New York? And have you taken into account how terrorist groups distort Islam into the violent paradigm that the U.S. media has latched on to so desperately? One of the primary tenets of Islam is peace! Much like Christianity; and yet, think of the Crusades, and the Inquisition! Despite all that, there are churches all over Europe and the Middle East!

Let's start calling it Ground "Zero Tolerance", why don't we!


Princessa said...

Ground Zero Tolerance FTW!!!!
BTW... if you're wondering why I'm finally commenting on your blog... I have an exam tomorrow!!!! :P

Steven D. said...

My understanding is that technically it is ground zero as one of the aircraft landing gear assemblies hit it.

But as you say, there is a lot of rhetoric around this issue. And yes, this has once again brought up American's proclivity towards parroting instead of thinking.

But, on the definition of a mosque, I thought that a mosque was a place of prayer as well as other community gatherings. I'm also curious about the swimming pool and Islamic beliefs. Are such pools male only or can both men and women swim at the same time?

I remember as a teen finishing up some time in the pool at a rec center and leaving as a "men only" swim time began - and suits were optional. Obviously it left an impression of being very uncommon.

But back to your rant, we appear to be a country of soundbites - sometimes even containing a sliver of truth.