Thank you Laysa. ^_^
1. Sometimes opening up to someone you don't know very well is a good thing.
2. Instinctive feelings happen for reasonable reasons.
3. You can have fun with anyone. Don't limit who you can have fun with.
4. It is what you want it to be.
5. "A person's a person, no matter how small." [Dr. Seuss, Horton, Horton Hears a Who!]
6. Enjoy nature. Why not?
7. As trite as this sounds, you really should do what makes you happy. If you're not doing what makes you happy, what are you living for?
8. Adults are often just as silly as children.
9. Be open-minded. Everyone is different and everyone has good points and bad points. But there's always a lot more to a person than it seems.
10. "Never mistake thoughtlessness for malice." [Robert Charles Whitehead] There are people who do things intending to hurt you and there are people who do things and accidentally hurt you. It is one of the most important things to be able to tell the difference.
11. Dreaming is fun, even if it's about things that will never happen.
12. Complaining is a good thing because you need to let things out. But don't waste your life complaining about everything and everyone who has wronged you, because in the end, the only person who will have lost is you. Instead, go against the odds and better yourself. Win.
13. Getting presents for friends is fun, no matter how much money, time, and/or effort you end up spending on them. :)
14. Have pride in yourself - be proud of what you've done and who you've become. But that doesn't mean you're better than everyone else. They're people, too, and they probably have something to be proud of, too.
15. It's easier to be lazy than happy.
16. Laughter is one of the best medicines, because laughter is an example of happiness and fun.
17. When learning a new musical instrument and being asked to do something that doesn't seem humanly possible, you realize that it apparently is possible, with tons of practice, thus nullifying any thought you ever had about the limitations of the instrument or musician. In short, what you think is impossible probably isn't actually impossible. Humans can really do a lot of things if they try.
18. "I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later." [Mitch Hedberg] Sometimes that's just the best option.
19. The best thing about music is that you can listen to whatever you want, as much as you want, and for whatever reasons you want. There's really no right or wrong to it.
20. The appearance of confidence, happiness, or enjoyment is often just a guise. We feel as though, by hiding our hurt, we are hiding others from hurt as well. We see no use in showing it; in fact, we feel much better ignoring it. In the end we think, why should we worry other with our problems? What no one knows doesn't matter to anyone.
21. "Your life is what your thoughts make it." [Marcus Aurelius] Would this be what it is if you didn't think it was?
22. Time is often the best cure.
23. Being tickled is probably the only time when you're laughing but you actually want what's making you laugh to stop.
24. Your stomach doesn't have to be grumbling for you to be hungry.
25. Even the institutions you trust the most, or you expect to be the most trustworthy, don't do everything they should.
26. What you often complain about, you eventually get used to, so much that it doesn't even bother you anymore.
27. The past is always there to haunt you.
28. But suddenly, the past doesn't matter any more.
29. It's amazing how much your emotions can get you carried away. And you don't really realize how carried away you got until those emotions have settled down a bit.
30. Others' problems will often get in the way.
31. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." [Aristotle]
32. It's possible to be an optimist and a realist.
33. I don't think procrastination is really that horrible. I usually have to really be in the mood to do work, and sometimes it takes that sort of adrenaline rush when you realize something is due soon to really do a good job on it. I bet a lot of great things have come out of procrastination.
34. If you constantly keep looking forward to something in the future, you'll be old before you know it, and you'll feel as though you've done nothing. Enjoy the moment. Make the most of every day. And have fun. Why not?
35. You don't have to be talking to someone to enjoy their company. Sometimes their presence is just enough.
36. Suck it up. You have to.
37. There are a lot of people out there who are probably better at doing something than the people who are "qualified" to do it.
38. Don't deny the fun you had with anyone, even if it's someone you don't care about anymore.
39. Giving a name to something helps a lot more than it may seem.
40. Awkwardness is all in your mind.
It's all in my mind.
41. Saying 'yes' to everything is not a good idea.
42. It's not until you break out of a routine that you are able to really look back on it and criticize it.
43. 'Love at first sight' doesn't really make sense.
44. 'Normal' is just the appearance we try to give.
45. It's really amazing how many people don't know what they should know in order to do their jobs.
46. The world gets smaller as you get older. I don't think that's a bad thing.
47. Happy people are nicer than unhappy people.
48. What do circumstances have to do with success? You don't need good circumstances to be successful. The ingredient for success is merely a determination to succeed.
49. There is always something more to learn.
50. It makes sense to strive to avoid the bad things. But they happen. You of course want to to look back on them and wish they didn't happen, but when looking back on those pains, think instead of what you have gained, not what you have lost, from them.
51. As much as I don't want to agree with it, I appreciate the fact that I have been told about some of the harsh realities of life.
52. We spend our lives preparing for the future, so that when it becomes the present, we can enjoy it. So don't forget to enjoy the present; isn't that what you've been working for?
53. We aren't always looking for advice. We just want someone to listen.
54. Money may not guarantee you happiness, but it's certainly nice to have around.
55. On certain subjects about uncertain things, sometimes it's just best to shut up.
56. It's more complicated than it seems. Did you really think it was that simple?
57. New things can be shocking. Maybe you should let them settle in before doing anything.
58. Don't forget where you came from. It makes you unique and awesome. This includes your heritage, your parents, the places you've lived, and just your past in general. It makes you who you are, and even if it's a past you'd rather not go back to, bring out the best from it, and learn from its pains.
59. Sometimes arguments are necessary, for the sake of sanity.
60. Communication is essential.
61. People complain just to let something out; they themselves don't necessarily think it's as big of a deal as they are making it. It can be hard to know for sure, though. Sometimes you have to ask.
62. Everyone gets annoying every once in a while.
63. Little kids remind you of the things you were taught to forget.
64. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." [Buddha] Makes sense to me.
65. Ignorance is bliss. I can't deny it.
66. You've gotta do what you've gotta do.
67. Your words and actions have just as much of an effect on others as others' words and actions do on you.
68. Panicking is one of the worst things you can do.
69. A good friend is one with whom you share the bad and good times.
70. Don't give a gift expecting one in return.
71. People say things they don't mean and mean things they don't say all the time. I don't blame them, but this certainly doesn't make things easier.
72. Perhaps you would have done the same thing if you were in that person's place.
73. Rules seems so strong and sturdy, but with only a little persuasion, they can melt like butter.
74. It's easy to forget what's not right in front of you.
75. The place you grew up in stays with you forever.
76. Past a certain point, there's nothing to do but give up.
77. "Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young..." [J. K. Rowling, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]
78. If you don't beg, persuade, and cajole people to let you do something, you'll never be independent.
79. We can only be at most and at least one person.
80. Hate only proves that you care. Indifference hurts more.
81. You're unique. Just like everyone else.
82. Confidence is key.
83. Many groups of people hide their oppressive ideologies behind other ideologies, thus tainting those innocent ones.
84. Others are just as uncertain as you might be.
85. There are things you will never know and things you will never understand.
86. Right and wrong aren't as obvious as they're made to seem.
87. There is always something to live for.
88. Everything is subject to change. And you live with it.
89. Every land is beautiful. It's the people who make it different.
90. What matters to you doesn't matter to another. What doesn't matter to you matters to another.
91. Just because you were dumb when you were young doesn't mean all those who are younger are dumber.
92. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect.
93. Some people will never change.
94. Some things just don't make sense.
95. One minute others are trying to control you. The next, you must try to control others. Neither is much fun.
96. Life is boring.
97. Sometimes the walls listen better than people do.
98. The only person who will be with you forever is yourself. In the end, we are all alone in our world of consciousnesses. The journey you make in life is one only you are taking.
99. It's one thing to be pessimistic. It's another to be prepared.
100. Don't let the unimportant come between you and the important.
101. So, what actually is important, anyway?